Executive Dysfunction

I am up at 5:42 am staring at this kitchen that I need to clean knowing it’s the only thing between me and my bed.

Now, cognitively, I know it will probably take 30 minutes or less to clean. But every time I think about it my entire brain just… Checks out. I think I’m gonna start by choosing one thing to do. And by one thing I mean, going across the room to the counter. Or maybe I will start by getting some ice water. That’ll put me in the kitchen… Maybe once I’m in the kitchen I’ll be able to do one more thing.

But for right now… The level of “no” I’m facing is incredible. It almost feels like I am incapable of conceptualizing completing this particular goal. So, what is one thing that I can do that will move me towards the ultimate goal of completion? What is the smallest task that I can do of the hundred tasks that are in front of me that are required clean this kitchen?

One of my gifts is being able to break things down into smaller chunks. But sometimes seeing every dish that has to be washed, rinsed, put away, and every speck of dust that needs to be accounted for feels overwhelming.

Ok. It’s 5:48. I’ve decided to empty this grocery bag. Hand soap under the sink, air fresheners in the air freshener bowl, plastic bag in the bin.

Will report back.

<52 minutes later>

We did it, Joe!

A separate conversation can be had at another time around time estimating as a skill. But my kitchen is clean. Sure, I need to get up for the day in two-ish hours but I’m tucking myself in for a nap. I’m sure it’ll be fine. 🙃



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