To Bey or not to Bey

I had this fabulous over the top idea of traveling across the pond to see Beyoncé in Europe. I was so excited that I couldn’t sleep and was actually up at 4am local time when tickets went on sale.

And then I froze.

I don’t know if I want to do it… but I also don’t know what is causing this hesitation. I think I’m trying to parse out the difference between someone else’s good idea and my own good idea. It looks cool for other people to travel the globe for concerts… But for me? *confusion* So let’s reposition the whole idea.

Q: How do I feel about traveling internationally?

A: Thrilled!

Q: How do I feel about traveling for a concert?

A: Eh.

Oh… oh! I think I found the problem. I don’t really care about going to a concert as much as I care about going to a city. OK, that makes more sense and I’m feeling like I’m getting back to myself.

That’s all, lol. Thanks for going on this journey with me.





Notion x FUBU